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Cristian Radu

Experience Transylvania

Cristina is the best partner one can have when working on projects that require a cooperation between people and horses. She is an equestrian professional with a deep love for horses and broad experience acquired in Romania and abroad. She taught me how well passion and professionalism blend when working with horses and how crucial they are for ensuring pleasant experiences for both riders and horses. She can easily inspire others to share her fondness for horses, wether she is teaching a riding lesson or consulting on stable management. Cristina can handle horses in any situation, from the saddle or on the ground, and to her safety comes first. When riding under her guidance it’s easy to feel the thrill of the bond that humans and horses can share.



Cristina is really amazing!! I've just had my three days training for beginners with her as my instructor and I'm still smiling. She's had tremendous patience with me and helped me work through my every emotion - good or bad, with confidence and positivity. Most importantly Cristina showed me that I can do even the things I am most afraid of. She did not give up on teaching me even when I wanted to quit because I didn't trust myself. She’s had the best possible dressage education and she combines her amazing knowledge with empathy for the horse. Looking back, I could not have done half of the things I did, without her constant support and guidance. If possible, I am even more in love with horses than I was before :). Like many, I can't wait for my next training with her! Thanks, Cristina

Sana Nicolau

Marketing / Porsche Romania

Cristina is not just a sharp and reliable professional, but is also fun to work with and this is something that doesnt happen very often. She has a pleasant, open personality and constantly gives you the feeling you are in good hands. When you start working with her, you realise pretty quickly that she is results oriented and focuses on getting things done and I would say this is a comfortable feeling.

Roxana-Mihaela Vlad

Sunt putine persoane care intra in viata ta si raman pentru ca te-au marcat puternic pozitiv. Suntem atat de obisnuiti cu acelasi drum zilnic, incat, atunci cand apare o asemenea persoana, asterni cu drag astfel de randuri. Cristina Ciunga este un exemplu de acest fel.  Lucrez cu oamenii de foarte multi ani. Am avut bucuria sa cunosc un profesionist, un adevarat leader, o persoana energica,  joviala, asemeni unei  povesti care te captiveaza pana la sfarsit.  In mod cert, secretul succesului consta si in a avea oamenii potriviti alaturi de tine!